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News 2024

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August 2024



Beloved, Vacation Church School was a very huge success. It was a five day affair with the last day their graduation. There were also several days of preparation getting everything ready for it.

We had the yellow Multicab worked on a couple weeks before the VCS so it would be in tiptop shape. The yellow Multicab and white Kia are both over 10 years old. We replaced radiator & hose & coolant, shock absorbers, swing arm, wheel bearings, replaced some bushings, and brakes, changed oil and filter, fuel filter, and replaced some other things. The cost was $550.00 including labor.

Our Refuge House Team worked very hard for several days preparing for the VCS. They did a great job during the VCS teaching the children and making sure they had a wonderful time but also a safe time. This year's theme was, "He is living in Me" and God + Me = Victory!!

The Refuge House Team had four days and nights of training before the VCS and to prepare all visual materials and lessons for the activity. They completed during day cleaning and preparing materials and each night three hours of training.

Teresa and Ezekiel were the drivers; they made several trips each day to pick up kids and then afterwards to take them home. Mom Virgie was there, as always, to help with the cooking.

The kids had a blessed and wonderful time every day studying the Word of God, singing praise & worship songs, dancing in the Lord, shouting to the Lord and interacting with their teachers in teaching time. Every day, the kids were given some candy at break times. Mom Virgie and the teachers assist the kids getting their meal of Manna Pack Rice and mac & cheese with all the vitamins and minerals kids need to grow healthy. Praise Jesus for the Manna Pack!

On Graduation Day they received their diplomas, and also they were given a bag with a variety of things: small toys, stuffed animals, dresses, shirts, toothbrushes, and other knick knacks. They were so thankful and blessed!! We had about 150 kids attend Refuge House VCS!!

Also Teresa had asked me if she could buy school supplies for the kids at the VCS, and so she did and gave them out at graduation also. What a blessing for these kids!

But Beloved, the biggest blessing was that many of these kids who came from several different villages were drawn by Holy Spirit to surrender to our Lord King and Savior JESUS!! Praise Jesus!!


The children are really loving the opportunity that they could go to school, and by giving these notebooks it is very big help for them. Thank you so much for giving them the opportunity to reach their goal in life hoping to finish their study even though their parents could not afford to buy what they need to be able to go to school. Thank you for lighting a little light to the path of their dreams.

As they received the notebook, we can see in every face how excited and very happy they are receiving these blessings. Thanks to our Heavenly Father for your life and support, to I Am Born Again Ministry to share the love of God to these wonderful children here in Palawan. We're so thankful and blessed seeing the thankfulness of these wonderful children to our Creator, to our Heavenly Father for your life. Thank you so much for choosing I Am Born Again Ministry this year. We pray that the abundance of the Lord Jesus Christ will flow directly to your life and families and all the treasure in Heaven will pour out in your life. Thank you and God bless you.


Beloved, school has started for elementary and high school students. College classes start in the middle of August. Ezekiel will enter his fourth year college for Criminology. His first semester will cost $2,700.00. His second semester will cost $2000.00. Please be in prayer for provisions for this year. Thank you and God bless you!

All glory to God, our Loving Father!!!

Thank you & God bless you for being a part of the Refuge House Family!

We all Love You Much Much !!
Harrell, Lolita, Teresa, Hazel and Jackielou & Kids!!

Be Blessed and Highly Favored!!

I would also like to remind everyone to please pray Acts 4:29, 30 for us!
Acts 4:29,30 - KJV - 29And now, Lord, behold their threatenings: and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word, 30By stretching forth thine hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child Jesus.

VIDEOS of V.C.S. Day 1, 2, 3 and Graduation Day

Vacation Church School part 1

Vacation Church School part 1

Vacation Church School part 2

Vacation Church School part 2

Vacation Church School part 3

Vacation Church School part 3

Vacation Church School Grad & Giving

Vacation Church School Graduation & Giving Notebook & Small Stuff

PO BOX 525
Micanopy, FL 32667


July 2024



Beloved, our Refuge House Team went to Lapu Lapu Palawan and did a Gospel and feeding outreach. Pastor Odgie Bargoyo is pioneering in this area. Part of our team, Jackielou, Bernard, and a few others spread out and invited people to come while others prepared the Manna Packs with all the vitamins and minerals the kids needed.

Approximately 90 adults and children came. Pastor Odgie came with his wife also, with a few of their youth to help. They had a great time of teaching praise songs, teaching Bible verses, sharing Bible stories and the Gospel message! Holy Spirit drew many to Jesus!

After the Gospel outreach, our Refuge House Team gave dresses to the girls and T-shirts to the boys. They were excited to receive the dresses and T-shirts! The parents were so blessed and thankful for the new clothes for their kids! After that they all ate the Manna Pack with the vitamins and minerals the kids needed! They all came for a second helping!

Most of the people in that area are of the Palawan Tribe. Pastor Odgie is doing a Bible study once a week there, and with our Lord's Provision, we will help with feeding them.


Praise our Lord Jesus Christ for the provision for the blessings that Angelica's need for her payment in school. She is very thankful for the provision of the $100 to use for last and final school payment. She is very thankful to our Heavenly Father for your life. She always treasures you in her heart that you help her to reach her goal to finish her college this year. Thank you so much for your kindness and support. Thank you and God bless you.


Beloved, please pray for Jackielou. There is a small problem with her subjects to graduate -- not her fault. She will have to take two subjects for six months to get her diploma.

She wants to be a part of the graduation ceremony, so she will wait till next year and walk in the graduation ceremony. She will finish her two subjects in January and will be able to get her grade transcript but will wait to get her diploma so she can walk in the graduation ceremony.

She was so hurt and crying because of the wrong done to her by her first college, but our Lord strengthened her.

I will send the letter she sent me by email so you can see all the details. If you are not receiving emails, please email me at lolita83gh@gmail.com. We will wait till she gets her two subjects finished before we will surprise her with her motorcycle.

Beloved, we had to put a new fuel filter on the Kia Truck and clean the tank. It is running fine now.

All glory to God, Our Loving Father!!!

Thank you & God bless you for being a part of the Refuge House Family!

We all Love You Much Much !!
Harrell, Lolita, Teresa, Hazel and Jackielou & Kids!!

Be Blessed and Highly Favored!!

I would also like to remind everyone to please pray Acts 4:29, 30 for us!
Acts 4:29,30 - KJV - 29And now, Lord, behold their threatenings: and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word, 30By stretching forth thine hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child Jesus.

PO BOX 525
Micanopy, FL 32667


June 2024



Beloved, our Refuge House kids spent the day sharing Gospel tracts in the wet market area and around town in Narra Palawan. For the kids it was their first time of giving tracts. Our Refuge House team members did a great job teaching them what to do! It was a great time of teaching the kids to share their faith in Jesus Christ and a great memory for Lolita and myself as we remember teaching the Refugee House Team when they were kids to do this!

After the Friday Night prayer meeting, they had about an hour and a half Praise and Worship with all the kids. Then Hazel talked to them about how to give out the tracts, what kind of different reactions they would get, and how to respond. These kids have already been taught how to share Jesus. But this would be their first time going into the market and town to complete strangers and sharing Jesus. It is a little different than sharing Jesus with their friends at school.

The kids made their name tags with “Jesus Loves You” and their name on it. Four of our Refuge House team leaders - Ezekiel, Bernard, Arieleen and Hazel - had kids assigned to each of them. So we had four different teams of kids. Teresa said everyone was so excited she had to make them go to sleep. They ate breakfast at 5:30 am and left at 6:00 am for Narra.

When they arrived at the market, they gave tracts to fish vendors, to vegetable vendors, as well as to the tricycle drivers and whoever they came across. Some kids went into every store and gave them to the sales lady and guards. After giving the tracts, the kids are very happy telling their story of how blessed they are for having that kind of experience.

Beloved, most of the people receive the tracts with a smile. After receiving the tracts some would read them, especially the tricycle drivers - while waiting for the passengers. Some people would just take the tract and tell them they would read them later. Some people would ask questions about the tracts. Some people would read the tract and ask for prayer. And some people after reading the track wanted Jesus as their Lord and Savior! Praise Jesus!

And the kids also experience a few people who would not receive the tract or prayer. But praise our Heavenly Father, the kids will be in prayer for their salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Afterwards they had a well-deserved meal at the roadside cafe! The cafe serves all you can eat rice with a meal. After the kids got through, I do not think they can go back. They like rice! – LOL


Beloved, our Refuge House Team had set up an outreach, but the captain of the Barangay canceled it due to hot weather because of the heat stroke problem. The captain will not allow any outdoor activities for his Barangay. The temp has been 110 to 117 degrees Fahrenheit every day.


One of our Refuge House Youth and Praise and Worship Leader, Angelica, is a graduating college student asking for prayers for financial assistance, it's 5000 pesos (approx. $100) to pay her final assessment. Her father works as a house carpenter, but at this time because of this hot weather there is little work, and as of now they don't have that amount to pay the school. And also she asks for prayers for her neck, she has goiter and could not afford to see a doctor, but she trusts in the name of Jesus Christ that she will be healed. Thanks to our Heavenly Father for your prayers. (Angelica is not on a scholarship with IABAM as her parents could afford to send her to college so please pray for provision and healing. Blessings and thank you!).

Also please continue to pray for provisions for Jackielou’s motorcycle.

I would also like to remind everyone to please pray Acts 4:29,30 for us!
Acts 4:29,30 - KJV - 29 And now, Lord, behold their threatenings: and grant unto Thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word, 30 By stretching forth Thine hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of Thy holy child Jesus.

Thank you & God bless you for being a part of the Refuge House Family!

We all Love You Much Much!!
Harrell, Lolita, Teresa, Hazel and Jackielou & Kids!!
Be Blessed and Highly Favored!!

PO BOX 525
Micanopy, FL 32667


May 2024

PRAISE JESUS! Thank You Jesus!!


Beloved, elementary and high school ends this month. All of our Refuge House Church kids passed - most with High Honors! Thank you Jesus! Our college students’ school ends In July.

As you know our precious Jackielou will be our first college graduate from the Refuge House! She has worked so hard, serving our Lord in ministry and in her schooling.

We want to surprise her with a motorcycle for her graduation gift for her transportation. The cost of the motorcycle at this time is approximately $1,490.00. Please be in prayer for this provision. Thank you!


Beloved, the Refuge House Team went to Cacarigan Aramaywan in the Palawan tribe. Pastor Alwin Pusok is pioneering this area. It is hard traveling to get there. It has been extremely hot in Palawan. It was 44 degrees Celsius which is around 111 degrees Fahrenheit. Folks, it is hard to explain the heat in the Jungles. It Is HOT!

The Refuge House Team did a Gospel Outreach and many surrendered to Jesus! Along with the Gospel message, they taught praise songs and Bible stories! They fed the kids with manna pack with all the vitamins and minerals children need to grow healthy. They also gave the girls a gift of a doll. They gave the boys a gift of a hot wheel car or truck. They also gave dresses to the girls. Beloved, most of these children have never had a toy given to them before - ever. They were so excited and thankful!

After all the activity, Refuge House Team gave to 30 Families a bag of blessings, noodles, sugar , coffee, toothbrushes, lollipops, etc. that we sent in Balikbayan boxes.


Our Sunrise Service at Refuge House started at 4 a.m till 6 a.m. We had Praise & Worship, praising our Heavenly Father for His greatness. As we remember that Jesus has risen from the dead. We also had communion, also singing praises with great joy in our hearts. By the blood of Jesus we are healed, we are victorious and in the name of Jesus' we received the Holy Spirit our Teacher and Guide while we are still here on this earth. The kids and youth on Saturday night did skits and watched videos of the crucifixion - along with Praise & Worship.

We are thankful for all the blessings that we have received and the presence of the Lord Jesus we have in our hearts. All the glory and honor belongs to our most gracious and loving Father in Heaven, in Jesus’ name Amen. Thank you and God bless you!


Beloved, in March we were blessed to work with the Bread of the Mighty Food Bank and distribute over 13,000 lbs. of food to needy people in Trenton, Cedar Key area, Bell, Fanning Springs, and Bronson.

In April, we were blessed to distribute over 11,000 lbs. We are so humbled and thankful for this opportunity to serve our Lord Jesus. To God be all glory honor & praise!! Matthew 25:31-40

Beloved, we bought an A/C Unit and CoolBot Pro and generator to put in our cargo trailer to keep the food cold while traveling. The cost was just over $2,100.00.

We praise Jesus for Sir Wayland and Sir Cris who installed the A/C in the cargo trailer, did all the wiring, and taught me how to use it! They did not charge us for the hard work they did! Thank You Jesus!

Thank you & God bless you for being a part of the Refuge House Family!

We all Love You Much Much !!
Harrell, Lolita, Teresa, Hazel and Jackielou & Kids!!

PO BOX 525
Micanopy, FL 32667


April 2024



Beloved, I Am Born Again Ministries Refuge House Team had an outreach in a barangay that was a majority of Palawan Muslim this month. Pastor Erwin is pioneering the area, so our Refuge House Team went to evangelize and do an outreach and feeding for the children.

Teresa and a few of the Refuge House Team started cooking the Manna Pack. Some parents came and helped her while others gathered malunggay leaves. Teresa had to explain to the Muslim parents what were the ingredients in the cooking as they were asking if there was pork in it. She explained to them that we cook the Manna Pack with all vitamins and minerals the children need and of course they already know the malunggay leaves are high in antitoxins. (That is the green leaves you see in the pot).

While kids were coming, Hazel had started teaching kids praise songs to Jesus. One of the Muslim parents went to her and told her not to say the love of Jesus but instead use the love of Allah. Beloved, our Refuge House Team goes and lifts up the name of JESUS ONLY!! Our Refuge House Team goes and shares the saving grace of JESUS ONLY!!

The Gospel Outreach went well and most everyone was very thankful for hearing the truth of the word of God. Our Refuge House Team taught singing and dancing for JESUS! They gave chocolate candy bars and dresses to the precious little girls in JESUS Name! They fed everyone in JESUS name!

Everyone was so thankful for the chocolate and dresses. They loved and were so thankful for the feeding of Manna Pack.


We are so blessed and thankful for our loving Father God is great and we are so very thankful for the protection we received wherever we go to share the love of our Heavenly Father and the salvation that is only through the shed blood of Jesus Christ that everyone must have in their lives. Around 80 individual parents and kids receive Jesus as their personal savior in that area. Pastor Erwin will continue with their discipleship. Thank you so much for your prayers and support. Thank you and God bless you always in Jesus name A-men.

Beloved, thank you for your prayers!!!
Most everyone knows we ask that everyone to please pray Acts 4:29, 30 over I Am Born Again Ministries!

I would like to remind everyone to please pray this = Acts 4:29,30 - KJV - 29 And now, Lord, behold their threatenings: and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word, 30 By stretching forth thine hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child Jesus. THANK YOU & GOD BLESS YOU!


A Pastor invited the Refuge House youth to do a dance presentation at their evangelistic night. The youth do four dance presentations and share their God given talent to other youth. Also they attended pastor and leaders seminars, and our Lord Jesus Christ continued giving them more courage and encouragement for teaching the word of God. Lots more happened this month. No room to tell you here. To God be the glory, what great things HE has done!!

Thank you & God bless you for being a part of the Refuge House Family!

Be blessed and highly favored!!

We all Love You Much Much !!
Harrell, Lolita, Teresa, Hazel and Jackielou & Kids!!

PO BOX 525
Micanopy, FL 32667


March 2024


Beloved, here in the USA, we do not share a lot about what I Am Born Again Ministries does. We have always since the Lord started this ministry have shared Jesus and given food to the homeless and needy whenever we were in the USA.

This month we have been blessed with an open door to set up many food distributions for needy people here in the USA. Our first month we were blessed to give out over 9000 lbs. of meat, produce, canned goods, bread, etc.

As warmer weather is approaching, we are praying for a way to keep the food refrigerated as we deliver to distribution places. We are thinking maybe to insulate and add a refrigeration unit to my cargo trailer. Please pray for our Lord's direction and for the provision.

Beloved, our Refuge House Team had a Gospel & Feeding Outreach at Natutungan Quezon Palawan. Quezon Palawan is on the opposite side of Palawan from our Refuge House. It is on the South China Sea side. To get there, our Refuge House Team had to drive south and then over the mountain range to get there.

Our Refuge House Team stayed at a lady named Dimples house. They cooked and slept that night at Dimples. The girls stayed in the house while the boys slept in a coconut dryer. It had a roof and bamboo floor. Some boys slept in the KIA, and some boys slept on the little terrace of the house.

The Refuge House Team prepared dinner, and after dinner used the coconut dryer hut to have prayer before going to bed, and have some reminders and a short meeting for the Gospel outreach the next day.

The next morning, part of the Refuge House Team went house to house inviting people to come. Another part of the Refuge House Team started preparing the Manna Pack with all the vitamins and minerals to feed after the Gospel outreach.

The Refuge House Team did a dance presentation to the Lord, and also a drama of Jesus healing a crippled man. Jackie Lou did the explanation and the Bible story to the kids and adults. There were also some Muslim women and children in attendance, besides the tribal people.

After the Gospel Message was presented, over 150 adults and children were drawn to repentance and surrendering to our Lord Jesus Christ, and received the free gift of salvation. GLORY TO GOD OUR LOVING FATHER!!

Afterwards our Refuge House Team gave out dresses to the girls. They also gave out chocolate, which these children had never tasted before. Teresa said they were so amazed at the chocolate. She said it was wonderful watching them eat it and the excitement they had eating it - also having the chocolate smeared all over their faces while eating.

Our Refuge House Team also fed everyone the Manna Pack with the vitamins and minerals the children need to grow healthy.


We had a great time and we were so blessed hearing their thankful hearts for coming to their place. I am so blessed and thankful from the bottom of my heart. I'm so thankful and felt so blessed seeing those people hearing the word of the Lord Jesus Christ and receiving salvation.

Life is short, and every day is a hard day for them. Every day they work so hard to provide for their daily needs.

Praise and glory to our Heavenly Father because over 150 received salvation, and we pray and believe our Heavenly Father will do something great in that place for allowing the word of the Lord to enter into their hearts.

Beloved, all the other discipleship and feeding areas are all doing great. Our Refuge House Team does an excellent job for our Lord Jesus at all the elementary schools, home churches, etc. All the youth and kids are doing well in school.

To God be the glory, what great things HE has done!!

Thank you & God bless you for being a part of the Refuge House Family!

Be blessed and highly favored!!

We all Love You Much Much !!
Harrell, Lolita, Teresa, Hazel and Jackielou & Kids!!

PO BOX 525
Micanopy, FL 32667


February 2024



Beloved - Our Refuge House Team had another Outreach to a Palawan Tribe at Anchor Bay Evangelical Church at the village of Kakarigan in Brgy Aramaywan with Pastor Elwin Pusoc. Most of the tribe lives higher in the Mountain and come down for Sunday Service.

Because of our Lord's Blessing of food we are able to supply food for Him to feed children every Sunday -- treasures in Heaven to your account!! There were approximately 80 total people with adults and children for this outreach.

A lot of the children could not come because Saturday in the mountains is the day that they have to gather food for them to eat during the next week. The children are very shy in the mountains, and I remember that whenever I would go to these places they would hide behind trees and watch me because they never have seen someone like me. After a little while their curiosity would get the best of them and they would come, and we would start teaching them the action praise songs and share Jesus. They are so very precious!


The Refuge House Team had a Kids Day this month. The kids received prizes for their good attendance to all the activities, Bible studies and church during the month.

Hebrews 11:6 NKJV - But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

Also they received chocolate along with adults at Sunday worship! They are so excited and thankful to get chocolate from the USA!


Beloved - Teresa rented a truck and took the Refuge House Team to Puerto Princessa to a Korean all-you-can-eat restaurant. A lot of the youth had never been to the city, and none of them had ever been to a restaurant where you could eat all you can.

Beloved - This Refuge House Team has faithfully served our precious Lord Jesus in so many ways this last year of 2023! They have gone to extremely hard areas to bring the salvation message of Jesus Christ to the lost without complaining but joyful and blessed to be able to! They have faithfully continued to go to home churches during the year and encourage & disciple brothers and sisters! They have faithfully continued to teach and disciple children in schools, in tribes and at the Refuge House!



We need to build a new entrance gate to the Refuge House. It will cost approximately $350. We also have to have a new battery for the Kia Truck approximately $150. Please be in prayer for these provisions. Thank you!

Also that was the first time any of them had ridden in a pickup truck, and Teresa's first time driving one. They have not said anything to me, but I know they are praying for one now!

Thank you & God bless you for being a part of the Refuge House Family!

We all love you much much!!
Harrell, Lolita, Teresa, Hazel, Jackielou & Kids!! Be blessed and highly favored!!

PO BOX 525
Micanopy, FL 32667


January 2024


Beloved, we pray you have a blessed, prosperous, healthy new year!!


Beloved, Refuge House Church celebrated Thanksgiving for our 14 year Anniversary. We sent 3 Videos of the 2 Day and Night Thanksgiving Celebrations. One of the Videos was the Youth getting materials to decorate with. One was the Adult and Kids Day. The third one was just Kids day.


I am so thankful to our Heavenly Father for the life of the youth, giving their time and efforts to do the preparation to have success in the celebration of Refuge House Church anniversary.

Everyone was very thankful for the happy and blessed time. The first day all the adults came. Everyone was blessed with the praise dancing, the singing and worshipping of our Lord Jesus Christ. Everyone had lots of fun in the games.

At night we had youth fellowship and served dinner too, as well as we continued the Thanksgiving celebration. The second day was for kids, and it was a blessed and wonderful time. All the kids were very thankful and very happy for all our Lord Jesus did. They were very thankful for their gifts.

Thank you so much for your goodness and for your prayers and support. We praise Jesus Christ our Savior for your life every day.


I encourage everyone to watch the 3 videos so you really can understand the dedication to share the Good news of Jesus into all the world!!

 Mission Trip Southern Palawan 1

Mission Trip to Southern Palawan December 2023 part 1

 Mission Trip Southern Palawan 2

Mission Trip to Southern Palawan December 2023 part 2

 Mission Trip Southern Palawan 3

Mission Trip to Southern Palawan December 2023 part 3

As I watched the videos, it brought back great memories of the many years, Holy Spirit had me go to tribes to share the Gospel. I was so blessed and thankful how the youth continue to be about the Great Commission.

Isaiah 52:7 -NKJV - How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him, who brings good news, Who proclaim peace, Who brings glad tidings of good things, Who proclaims salvation, Who says to Zion, Your God reigns

Beloved, I was also reminded of how Important it is to teach and disciple the younger ones. As I am now much older, I am not sure if I could physically make the rugged, strenuous journey through the mountain jungles as before.
“The Spirit is willing but the Flesh is weak.”

Beloved, the travel to these tribes is very long and hard, starting in the truck for several hours till you can go no farther -- whether it is a landslide, a bridge washed out, an unexpected storm, or blown tire or breakdown that stops you.

On this trip, they got to a place where they had to turn around and backtrack to get motorcycles to carry everything. In the Philippines it is called “habel habel”. You then travel a few more hours and then walk a few more hours and carry everything.


Our tribal outreach team was two pastors, Erwin Bungay and Hermie Barroga, and 11 of our Refuge House Team. 19 tribal members met us where the motorcycles could go no farther and helped the Refuge House Team carry everything to the small Brethren Church in the Southern Palawan Tribe.

We shared the good news of reconciliation to our loving Father through Jesus Christ to 75 families in the tribe. Many responded to the Holy Spirit pulling.

Our Refuge House Team did praise dances, taught action praise songs, and gave testimonies of how they met Jesus through other outreach and feedings like this one years ago. Also they shared what Jesus has done in their life since then! Pastor Erwin & Hermie shared the Gospel, and we were blessed to give food to each family! We also were blessed to give gifts to 70 boys and 40 girls and 30 youth -- stuffed animals, small trucks, dolls, jackets, sweaters, combs, etc.

(Beloved, this is the first time these kids and youth had ever been given a present in their life! Also the first time the adults had been given food from a mission team!).

Everyone -- adults, kids, youth -- were so blessed, thankful and excited! To God be all glory honor & praise!!! Our Refuge House Team worked hard and did a great job for Jesus! They had to get and carry water one kilometer for cooking the “Manna Pack” and prepare everything for the outreach!! This was the first cooking of “Manna Pack” since our Lord blessed us with it!! It has all the vitamins and minerals children need to grow healthy. PRAISE JESUS FOR HIS PROVISION!!!


Please pray for more provision of the Manna Pack as it is wonderful for the kids. Also please pray for healing for me. Thank You!!

Thank you & God bless you for being a part of the Refuge House Family!

Be blessed and highly favored!!

We all Love You Much Much !!
Harrell, Lolita, Teresa, Hazel and Jackielou & Kids !!

PO BOX 525
Micanopy, FL 32667


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